Whoever our client is, a ship owner, a maritime agency or a sailor-mechanic, we will always be able to help them solve any problem. We can:
The more detailed list of our services is available here:
Nowadays the competence level of shipboard personnel, especially that of a technical kind, has some serious flaws: lack of real experience of overcoming abnormal and emergency situations; lack of practical knowledge of design, operation and maintenance of ship systems and mechanisms.
Our objective is not to give you fine words and bright pictures that can be obtained at any classes or universities that train fleet personnel. In our work we share the long-term experience in vessel operation and maintenance, obtained by our experts – acting mechanic engineers. We know everything about shipboard equipment and systems, about safety at tankers and gas carriers, about repair at dry docks and at sea.
We have great practical experience of creatively different inventions and realizations that successfully solved problems of our ship owner clients. We understand that the time of vessel demurrage costs a lot, so we save a great deal of money for our clients.
When training and retraining sailors, we give them only concrete knowledge, applicable in their work. If you are facing an abnormal or emergency situation, call to us: we will help you to solve them distantly, quickly and efficiently 24/7/365
P.S. Thank you for reading this information! Now you've learned more about us. If you have any further questions you can ask them here: